Lingua Habit. Effective 60 or 90-minute online sessions to work on the English you need for your role.

1-1 Online Sessions

We adapt and personalise your online sessions to your current level, interests, sector, role, goals and schedule.

You can ask us for a sector-specific level test, or take the Online English language proficiency test with certificate with our partner, TrackTest.

Lingua Habit, the old vs. the new way to reach fluency
Lingua HabitOther schools
Sector and role-specific themes and topics.Random topics
Initial level test based on your background.Generic level test
You suggest content, we create the lesson plan.The teacher decides content.
Material in your inbox 48 hours before your sessions.Material first seen in the class
Detailed email with class notes and individual comments. 
Lingua Habit 1-1 Online Sessions for Busy Professionals

We offer all the flexibility you need to set up online sessions with Lingua Habit. 

  • Technology - we set up the online sessions using Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft teams, the tools you are most used to.
    • A team member meets you before your first session for an audio, microphone, camera and internet speed test.
  • You receive an invite for the recurring meetings to add to your Google Calendar, Apple or Outlook agenda.
  • You are added to a Google Drive or Dropbox folder, where we upload and organise the material before and after your sessions.